fēnix 8 - Solar系列

fēnix 8 - Solar系列


你是個想要突破自我極限的專業運動員/冒險玩家,想擁有一款提供聚焦式肌力訓練、潛水功能、地形圖等功能的高效能 GPS 智慧手錶。fēnix 8 正符合你的需要。

fēnix 8是一款高級多功能智慧手錶,配有太陽能充電鏡片,可延長電池效能,內寘揚聲器和麥克風&適合更粗手腕的造型。

fēnix 8 - AMOLED 系列

fēnix 8 - AMOLED 系列


你是個想要突破自我極限的專業運動員/冒險玩家,想擁有一款提供聚焦式肌力訓練、潛水功能、地形圖等功能的高效能 GPS 智慧手錶。fēnix 8 正符合你的需要。

fēnix 8是一款高級多功能智慧手錶,電池效能可達數周,內寘揚聲器和麥克風,高級訓練功能和更粗手腕的造型。

fēnix E

fēnix E


你是個想要突破自我極限的專業運動員/冒險玩家,想擁有一款提供聚焦式肌力訓練、潛水功能、地形圖等功能的高效能 GPS 智慧手錶。fēnix 8 正符合你的需要。

Approach S70

Approach S70


Approach S70,進階高爾夫球 GPS 腕錶內建你在球場內外提升球技所需的工具與分析數據

Forerunner 165 系列

Forerunner 165 系列


搭載 AMOLED 全彩炫色觸控螢幕,個人化的每日訓練建議可以幫助你挑戰極限

你是個想要聰明訓練的跑者。有了 Forerunner 165 配備的明亮 AMOLED 螢幕、訓練指標及恢復狀況分析,你將能夠跑出亮眼表現。

Lily 2 系列

Lily 2 系列



想要時尚的印花錶盤?還是要智慧觸控螢幕?何不兩者兼得?小巧時尚的智慧腕錶,幫您追蹤重要的健康數據。在如此迷人的腕錶上還能讀取簡訊、來電及行事曆提示?沒錯,就是這麼棒。是的,這支手錶還能追蹤您的步數、睡眠狀況、壓力及身體能量指數。內建瑜珈、健行、心肺、呼吸練習及更多活動 app,提升健康不麻煩。別讓生活暫停。電池效能長達 5 天,讓您每次充電後用得更久。

quatix 7 Pro

quatix 7 Pro

你想繪製你的水上及陸上天堂。quatix 7 Pro 頂級 GPS 智慧手錶搭載 OLED 螢幕及 LED 手電筒,讓你如願以償。

Descent Mk3 Series

Descent Mk3 Series



Descent G1 Series

Descent G1 Series


Whether you’re a recreational or technical scuba diver, spear fisher or a freediver, this rugged, easy-to-use dive computer is built for you and doubles as an everyday smartwatch.

Descent G1 Solar is a rugged, solar-charging dive computer and smartwatch with multiple dive modes plus smart notifications, 24/7 health monitoring and more.

MARQ 高球手 - 碳纖特仕版

MARQ 高球手 - 碳纖特仕版


追求卓越,完美攻嶺。這款現代頂級工藝智慧腕錶,搭配高畫質 AMOLED 觸控螢幕,由130層碳纖維形塑熔合,不斷挑戰洗鍊卓越之境,創造每只腕錶獨一無二的面貌。

MARQ 運動家 - 碳纖特仕版

MARQ 運動家 - 碳纖特仕版


超越自我,登峰造極。這款現代頂級工藝智慧腕錶,搭配高畫質 AMOLED 觸控螢幕,由130層碳纖維形塑熔合,不斷挑戰洗鍊卓越之境,創造每只腕錶獨一無二的面貌。

vívoactive 5 Series

vívoactive 5 Series

GPS 智慧腕錶

搭載專門的進階健康及健身功能,vívoactive 5 不只是支智慧手錶 — 而是能支持你達成任何目標的個人腕上教練。

vivoactive 5 GPS 智慧手錶搭載先進的 AMOLED 觸控螢幕,提供最長達 11 天的持久電池壽命。透過此智慧手錶,您可以獲得豐富的健康資訊,同時內建多款運動應用程式和專業運動課程,讓您全面掌握健康狀況,享受高效運動體驗。

tactix 7 – AMOLED

tactix 7 – AMOLED


你想為野外任務做好準備。你想要一支搭載調適型 AMOLED 螢幕、戰術功能、內建手電筒、預載 TOPO 地圖等功能的專業 GPS 智慧手錶。

Venu 3 Series

Venu 3 Series

GPS 智慧腕錶

搭載專門的進階健康及健身功能,還可撥打電話及發送簡訊,Venu 3不只是支智慧手錶-而是能時刻陪伴你,支持你達成任何目標的個人腕上教練。

fēnix 7 Pro Series

fēnix 7 Pro Series


透過進階訓練功能、全天候健康和保健監測、Power Sapphire 太陽能鏡面提供超過一個月的電池效能,以及強悍耐用的錶殼,征服每一刻。

epix Pro Series

epix Pro Series


每一天、每一刻 藉由進階訓練功能、全天健康及保健監測以及智慧手錶模式下可達 16天的電池效能,征服每一刻。用極美的防刮藍寶石鏡面 AMOLED 螢幕,查看你的所有數據。

Wear epix. Be epic. 用極美的 AMOLED 螢幕、全天候健康與活動監測、智慧功能及內建運動應用程式,滿足所有活動需求,迎戰你的每一天。

Instinct 2 Solar Series

Instinct 2 Solar Series

本我系列 - 太陽能 GPS 智慧腕錶

Instinct 2 Solar 是一款堅固耐用的太陽能充電 GPS 智慧腕錶,採用大膽配色,搭載智慧通知、全天候健康監測、多衛星系統支援及更多功能

無論你做什麼,用強悍的 Instinct 2X Solar 智慧手錶掌控全局。利用預載的活動模式、健康指標、LED 手電筒及太陽能充電鏡面等功能,探索人生中的無限可能。

Forerunner 965

Forerunner 965

GPS 全方位鐵人運動錶

搭載 AMOLED 全彩炫色觸控螢幕,訓練完備程度陪你挺進各種大小賽事

你渴望勝利的榮光。利用 Forerunner 965 搭載的明亮 AMOLED 螢幕和頂級跑步/三鐵功能,精彩訓練,你將能踏上頒獎台。

Forerunner 265 系列

Forerunner 265 系列


搭載 AMOLED 全彩炫色觸控螢幕,個人化的每日訓練建議可以幫助你挑戰極限

你是個想要聰明訓練的跑者。有了 Forerunner 265 配備的明亮 AMOLED 螢幕、訓練指標及恢復狀況分析,你將能夠跑出亮眼表現。

Lily Series

Lily Series


隱藏式觸控螢幕 脈搏血氧感測 呼吸偵測 月經/孕期追蹤 久坐提醒

想要時尚的印花錶盤?還是要智慧觸控螢幕?何不兩者兼得?小巧時尚的智慧腕錶,幫您追蹤重要的健康數據。在如此迷人的腕錶上還能讀取簡訊、來電及行事曆提示2?沒錯,就是這麼棒。是的,這支手錶還能追蹤您的步數、睡眠狀況、壓力及身體能量指數。內建瑜珈、健行、心肺、呼吸練習及更多活動 app,提升健康不麻煩。別讓生活暫停。電池效能長達 5 天,讓您每次充電後用得更久。

vívomove Trend Series

vívomove Trend Series


結合傳統指針腕錶外型與基本的智慧功能,例如接收來自相容智慧型手機的通知以及 Garmin Pay 感應支付

vívomove Trend 複合式智慧腕錶結合傳統指針腕錶外型與基本的智慧功能,例如接收來自相容智慧型手機的通知。

MARQ Golfer (Gen 2)

MARQ Golfer (Gen 2)


是一款專為高爾夫愛好者設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載觸控螢幕、傳統按鍵、球道攻略提示及 42,000 幅預載球道地圖

MARQ Golfer (Gen 2) 是一款專為高爾夫愛好者設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載觸控螢幕、傳統按鍵、球道攻略提示及 42,000 幅預載球道地圖。

Instinct Crossover

Instinct Crossover



vívofit jr. 3

vívofit jr. 3


Venu Sq 2 Series

Venu Sq 2 Series

GPS 智慧腕錶

You put your well-being at the top of the list, and that means making sure your mind and body are in sync. Get the GPS smartwatch that makes it easy to do with its health and fitness features plus long battery life.

MARQ Athlete (Gen 2)

MARQ Athlete (Gen 2)


是一款專為運動員設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、高感度觸控式螢幕、五級鈦金屬錶身、HRV 狀態監測及體力追蹤

MARQ Athlete (Gen 2) 是一款專為運動員設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、高感度觸控式螢幕、五級鈦金屬錶身、HRV 狀態監測及體力追蹤。

MARQ Captain (Gen 2)

MARQ Captain (Gen 2)


是一款專為航海愛好者打造的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、五級鈦金屬錶鍊及帆船賽計時器

MARQ Captain (Gen 2) 是一款專為航海愛好者打造的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、五級鈦金屬錶鍊及帆船賽計時器。

MARQ Adventurer (Gen 2)

MARQ Adventurer (Gen 2)


是一款專為戶外探險設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、五級鈦金屬錶身、混合材質皮革錶帶及多頻 GNSS 技術

MARQ Adventurer (Gen 2) 是一款專為戶外探險設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、五級鈦金屬錶身、混合材質皮革錶帶及多頻 GNSS 技術。

MARQ Aviator (Gen 2)

MARQ Aviator (Gen 2)


是一款專為飛行員設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、觸控面板、五級鈦金屬錶身及緊急導航功能

MARQ Aviator (Gen 2) 是一款專為飛行員設計的現代工藝腕錶,搭載 AMOLED 螢幕、觸控面板、五級鈦金屬錶身及緊急導航功能。

Forerunner 955 Series

Forerunner 955 Series

You train to win and run with the best. Lead the pack with this premium GPS running and triathlon smartwatch.

Forerunner 255 Series

Forerunner 255 Series

You’re serious about running. Step it up with the Forerunner 255 smartwatch series, the everyday GPS smartwatches that will help you train smarter, recover smarter and run your best race.

quatix 7

quatix 7

You want to stay connected and in control on the water and off. This comprehensive smartwatch comes in Standard, Solar and Sapphire editions to fit your lifestyle.

vívosmart 5 Series

vívosmart 5 Series

Style meets function with the vívosmart™ 4 fitness activity tracker. Features include a Pulse Ox sensor to gauge your blood oxyg

tactix 7 Series

tactix 7 Series

You want to be field-ready. You want specialized GPS smartwatches with tactical features, built-in flashlights, routable TOPO mapping and more.

Instinct 2S Solar Series

Instinct 2S Solar Series

Your life and style are unique, and you have a smaller wrist. You need a rugged, solar charging GPS smartwatch that can help you own whatever you do.

Instinct 2 Solar Series

Instinct 2 Solar Series

Your lifestyle is unique, and you want a watch that lasts. You need a rugged, solar charging GPS smartwatch that can help you own whatever you do.

Instinct 2S Series

Instinct 2S Series

Your lifestyle is unique. You need a rugged GPS smartwatch that can help you own whatever you do.

Instinct 2 Series

Instinct 2 Series

Your lifestyle is unique. You need a rugged GPS smartwatch that can help you own whatever you do.

epix Series

epix Series

You live an athletic lifestyle. You need this premium active smartwatch with a stunning AMOLED display to help you overcome every challenge.

Wear epix. Be epic. Take on every day with epix, a premium active smartwatch, with a stunning AMOLED display, 24/7 health and wellness monitoring, smart features and built-in sports apps that fit all the ways you move.

fēnix 7S Series

fēnix 7S Series

You want sleek looks and 7-day-a-week wearability in a smaller-sized, solar charged multisport GPS watch that puts no limits on how far you can go. Say hello to the fēnix 7S Sapphire Solar edition.

fenix 7S Sapphire Solar is a smaller-sized multisport GPS watch with a scratch resistant solar charging lens built for performance ready every day of the week.

fēnix 7 Series

fēnix 7 Series

You want 7-day-a-week wearability in an ultratough, solar charged multisport GPS watch that puts no limits on how far you can go. Say hello to the fēnix 7 Sapphire Solar edition.

fenix 7 Sapphire Solar is a multisport GPS watch with a scratch resistant solar charging lens built to stay performance ready every day of the week.

fēnix 7X Series

fēnix 7X Series

You want 7-day-a-week wearability in an ultratough, solar charged multisport GPS watch that puts no limits on how far you can go. Say hello to the fēnix 7X Sapphire Solar edition.

fenix 7X Sapphire Solar is a multisport GPS watch with a large scratch resistant solar charging lens built to stay performance ready every day of the week.

Venu 2 Plus Series

Venu 2 Plus Series

You want the feel-good benefits of healthy living and the convenience of a GPS smartwatch that can make or take phone calls and send texts when connected with a compatible smartphone

vívomove Sport Series

vívomove Sport Series

You’re looking for a fashion-forward smartwatch that won’t break the bank. Get the classic look of an analog watch plus smart features and health and wellness tools to help you be your best.

Forerunner 55 Series

Forerunner 55 Series

See yourself as a runner. Get the easy-to-use GPS running smartwatch that encourages running and healthy lifestyles.

Descent Mk2S Series

Descent Mk2S Series

Watch-style dive computers with surface GPS navigation, Pulse Ox, multisport features and more

Venu 2/2S Series

Venu 2/2S Series

To you, healthy living is about being more in touch with your mind and your body. Get the GPS smartwatch with advanced health and fitness features to help get your there.

Approach S42

Approach S42

You’re looking for a smartwatch that helps you tee off with confidence. Something that can be worn on and off the course. Here it is.



You’re an extreme endurance athlete, and you need a lightweight ultraperformance GPS watch with epic battery life. This will help you go the distance.

Venu Sq

Venu Sq

GPS smartwatch with all-day health monitoring, plus music storage on select models

Instinct – Esports Edition

Instinct – Esports Edition

Rugged, GPS smartwatch with Esport activity profile

Descent Mk2 Series

Descent Mk2 Series

Watch-style dive computers with optional air integration, surface GPS navigation, Pulse Ox, multisport features and more

MARQ Aviator

MARQ Aviator

Modern tool watch with 24-hour GMT bezel and Direct-to navigation

Forerunner 745

Forerunner 745

Advanced GPS running and triathlon smartwatch

tactix Delta Solar

tactix Delta Solar

Premium tactical GPS Watch with silicone band

fēnix 6S Solar

fēnix 6S Solar

fēnix 6S Pro Solar is a small solar charging smartwatch featuring a Power Glass lens, which helps the fenix 6S Pro Solar stay on and performance ready for weeks.

fēnix 6 Solar

fēnix 6 Solar

fenix 6 Pro Solar is a solar charging smartwatch featuring a Power Glass lens, which helps the fenix 6 Pro Solar stay on and performance ready for weeks.

Instinct Solar

Instinct Solar

A smartwatch built to conquer the elements featuring a solar charging lens, GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO, and built-in training apps.

fēnix 6X Pro Solar

fēnix 6X Pro Solar

Premium multisport GPS watches in 3 sizes offering heart rate, Pulse Ox, routable maps, pace guidance, music and more

Instinct Solar – Camo Edition

Instinct Solar – Camo Edition

A smartwatch built to conquer the elements featuring a solar charging lens, GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO, and built-in training apps.

Instinct Solar – Surf Edition

Instinct Solar – Surf Edition

A smartwatch geared to outlast the tides with dedicated surf features and a solar charging lens that delivers incredible battery life.

quatix 6X Solar

quatix 6X Solar

The ultimate outdoor watches with specialized marine features, including comprehensive boat connectivity and optional solar charging capabilities

Forerunner 245 Music

Forerunner 245 Music

GPS Running smartwatch with advanced training features, and optional music

quatix 6

quatix 6

You're a mariner. You need a GPS multisport smartwatch that's at home on land and on the water. Connect with your boat in more ways than one.

tactix Delta

tactix Delta

Multifunction GPS watch with routable TOPO mapping, wrist-based heart rate and tactical features

GarminMove Luxe

GarminMove Luxe

Stylish hybrid smartwatches with hidden touchscreen displays

Garmin Swim 2

Garmin Swim 2

GPS swimming smartwatch for the pool and open water

vívoactive 4/4S

vívoactive 4/4S

GPS smartwatches in two sizes, featuring built-in sports apps, contactless payments, music and all-day health monitoring

fēnix 6S

fēnix 6S

Premium multisport GPS watches in 3 sizes offering heart rate, Pulse Ox, routable maps, pace guidance, music and more

fēnix 6

fēnix 6

Premium multisport GPS watches in 3 sizes offering heart rate, Pulse Ox, routable maps, pace guidance, music and more

fēnix 6X

fēnix 6X

Premium multisport GPS watches in 3 sizes offering heart rate, Pulse Ox, routable maps, pace guidance, music and more

fēnix 6X

fēnix 6X

Premium multisport GPS watches in 3 sizes offering heart rate, Pulse Ox, routable maps, pace guidance, music and more

Forerunner 945

Forerunner 945

Premium GPS running/triathlon smartwatch with music

Forerunner 245

Forerunner 245

MARQ Driver

MARQ Driver

Modern tool watch with tachymeter and preloaded racetracks

MARQ Aviator

MARQ Aviator

Modern tool watch with 24-hour GMT bezel and Direct-to navigation

vívofit® 4

vívofit® 4

Activity tracker with always-on color display and 1+ year battery life

vívomove® HR

vívomove® HR



Approach® S60

Approach® S60