Approach R50

Approach R50


將你的高球技巧推升到極致。用 Approach R50 頂級高爾夫訓練儀,完備你的居家裝備。

Approach R50 是一款高端高爾夫模擬器與發射監測器,配備 10 吋彩色觸控螢幕供虛擬打球使用,並且擁有三個攝影機來精確測量球桿與球的數據。

Approach S70

Approach S70


Approach S70,進階高爾夫球 GPS 腕錶內建你在球場內外提升球技所需的工具與分析數據

Approach Z30

Approach Z30


你想知道與旗桿的距離。這款雷射測距儀可以從遠至 400 碼外準確地測出旗桿距離,也是您 Garmin 高爾夫智慧手錶或手持裝置的完美夥伴。

Approach R10

Approach R10


You want to play golf from anywhere with a portable launch monitor and golf simulator. Perfect your swing no matter where you are.

Approach S42

Approach S42

You’re looking for a smartwatch that helps you tee off with confidence. Something that can be worn on and off the course. Here it is.

Approach Z82

Approach Z82

Most accurate golf laser range finder with GPS

Approach  G80

Approach G80

GPS golf handheld with integrated launch monitor

Approach® CT10

Approach® CT10

Automatic Club Tracking System

Approach® S60

Approach® S60